Tuesday, October 27, 2009

More Canyon Shots

This a continuation of our last post when we went on our slot canyon adventure. Our friends Matt and Cassie brought their really nice camera to take some shots and I thought I'd show them off cause they turned out really well. Thanks Matt:)

The sandstone lines are so pretty...

I look squinty...

Christian looks happy...

This is the end of the slot canyon where it opens up wider...

and wider...

much wider...

I don't know...
...but he sure is cute!

I'm straddling part of the slot canyon just before it opens up into the valley.
Notice the tree feeding off the water supply near Christian's head.

Another friend of ours took a couple of fun shots, one of which shows the rappel we did down the twisty turny slot. Thanks Morgan:)

You can see the crack where the ropes are coming out of. This is one of the many tight crevasses we squoze our little tushies through.

It was such a pretty Canyon!


  1. Those are really cool pictures. I especially like that first one.

  2. Wow, that looks like a lot of fun. I'd love to go there.

  3. That canyon is really pretty! Looks like a fun adventure.

  4. That really is an awesome canyon.


