Friday, December 11, 2009

Christmas Tree

I love Christmas and I especially love Christmas trees! I really enjoy having a fresh cut tree and the crisp clean evergreen scent that inevitably permeates the house. However, because of an unfortunate event two years ago involving me forgetting to water a fresh cut tree and Lucifur knocking down the already dead and dying tree three weeks before Christmas... they have subsequently been banned from the house. There were pine needles everywhere and a constant need for vacuuming took all the joy out of the Christmas Tree splendor. This year Christian vowed to have no live trees in the house and brought home a mangled and pathetic fake tree that he scrounged from the depths of Scrooges basement. Only about a quarter of the lights on this pre-lit tree worked and to further the ghetto-ness... in it's past Christmas lives someone thought it would be brilliant to spray fake snow all over it's stupid fake plastic boughs. I sat in the kitchen cursing this wretched piece of crap while untangling the broken lights and watching as it's fake snow dandruff flaked it's nastiness all over my clean kitchen floor.

Eventually... everything seemed to take shape and it actually looked like a surprisingly good representation of a fake Christmas tree. I added my homemade pasta angel ornaments and hung every Puppy Love ornament my mother helped me collect from 1987 onward. At the end I topped it with a Santa hat and did a little jig with my mug of hot cocoa in hand.

Behold... my Christmas Miracle...

Yes even my pasta angels were singing Hallelujah!

1 comment:

  1. That's a really cool picture of you on the shiny blue Christmas ornament! How clever of you to have taken such a creative picture. I was feeling pretty sad about your pathetic fake tree from the depth's of Scrooge's basement--but you managed to make it look pretty respectable. The pasta angel ornaments are a nice touch. When did you make them? They are reminiscent of some ornaments that I have...


