Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Food, food, and more food

Those who know me well know that I've been busy.

Too busy to run, too busy to climb, too busy to blog.

In order to maintain sanity I've tried to squeeze in cooking time for some favorite dishes and experiment with new ideas

I made a goal to try at least one new recipe a week from some of my most beloved food blogs.

This lifestyle has left me rounder and warmer during the winter months, but as spring is approaching and busy time waning, I feel my schedule opening up to more active endeavors in the great outdoors.

Here's to the memory of delicious food and the hope that the chub it's created on my waistline will slowly melt from the sun that's finally starting to emerge from behind those snow covered mountains of ours.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Those all look like really yummy foods. I would love to help you eat some of them. I thought of you when we had salmon broiled with teriyaki sauce and with lemon's from the back yard.

  3. I really need to try that lentil one. Those all look delish!

  4. I got some definite chub around my waistline just from reading this post. I'm curious to know why you haven't invited me over for some of this deliciousness. I certainly have spent enough time in Utah recently...

  5. You can't just post all those delicious pictures with out telling us the name of the food and including a link to the recipe. All the food looks so beautiful and tasty.


