Sunday, April 18, 2010

We're Moving Next Week!!

Our closing date is the 22nd of this month. That means we'll be moving next week. Luckily our family will be out here to help and we'll have access to a moving truck before it's used to pack up Sheri and Mckay and take them to Missouri. It will definitely be a stressful week but hopefully by the end of it we'll be all moved in and settled. I can't wait to invite people over! We'll finally have a place big enough to actually entertain company!

We went back one last time to measure a few things and do our final walk through to make sure a few important details checked out. Everything is perfect!

The jetted tub... Christian fits!

Julie's walk in closet... don't worry we'll find a spot for Christian's things.

The hallway... Mom's room is the first door on the left.

Christian's favorite statue... I think we'll all get along nicely!


  1. Yay! I'm so excited. It looks so nice. I love the statue.

  2. It looks so pretty! And it looks like we well be staying in the Salt Lake area for the summer so we will get to come over and see your house when you're all moved in.

  3. awesome! congrats! looks like a sweet place.

  4. It looks lovely! I'm so excited for you. We found a house too. It will be finished being built in June. Your pics are making me excited for when I'll have pics of my own. Yeah for being first time buyers!

  5. The place looks nice! I'm excited to come see it in person.

  6. SO excited for you. that is GORGEOUS! you are going to make it sooo cool.


