Saturday, June 12, 2010

Garden Traditions

It seems that every time my Mom comes out to visit we make a trip to Thanksgiving Point. It is one of our favorite traditions. It all started when Sheri was pregnant and expecting Dallin at any moment. We thought that if we let Bret drive her around Thanksgiving in a golf cart fast enough and we went over all the bumps maybe we could get Dallin to deliver. It worked... about 24 hours after. Ever since then we've returned to these lovely gardens to make happy new memories and take some classic pictures. This time we were lucky enough to have Grandma and Grandpa come with us. We had a delightful time perusing the gardens and enjoying the fresh spring air. The tulips were still in bloom and everything was so green and gorgeous.

Grandpa enjoyed taking a stroll through the secret garden.

Grandma particularly loved the Hillary Tulips, which turns out are my favorite too!

Katie and Lucas snuggled.

Debbie and Bret found a nice sitting area to rock Dallin into a peaceful slumber.

As I mentioned this post is about traditions and one of our favorites is the golf cart. After dropping Grandma and Grandpa at the front of the park the cart returned to pick up all the stragglers. We all fit!... sort of...

and I know this picture is blurry but I love it. I took this as Katie and I took my Mom for a ride in the awesome red wagon.

Do you know why we're sisters?!


  1. Ha ha, cause we love each other too much to just be friends. I love all the pictures, especially the running one.

  2. Great pictures. I remember going there for Sheri and Mckay's engagement photos. That was fun, but we didn't have a cart that time. I love the picture of mom in the wagon.

  3. Seriously, do they not have any security guards in that place? How have you not been thrown out yet?

  4. We have so much fun at the gardens. I'm sure it was Bret's amazing driving that coaxed Dallin into being born. Either that, or it was the inducing drugs they gave me... :)


