Monday, August 30, 2010


Christian will always be a Lost boy at heart. Sometimes it's just so hard to grow up. He has a special area that he loves to visit that he has named Neverland. Here are some pictures from some recent adventures. Bret has gone with him a few times and together the two of them get in some pretty awesome shenanigans.

I've gone to visit Neverland and enjoyed an evening of camping and relaxing. The scenery is postcard perfect and there are several rope swings put up throughout the trees. Bret and I had a blast reenacting the Red Door perfume commercials from our childhood on the big rope swing. When he asked what she wore it was always red door. So sensuous so alluring...

The bug life was pretty cool too...

We also participated in an apparently not so legal fishing operation. I caught a fish with my bare hands! I waited patiently by the serene shore of this pretty stream and waited until an innocent fish swam by. I quickly reached into the water and grasped its slimy body and squoze with all my might but he slipped out. I jumped into the stream so excited to capture a fish and almost face planted into the water as I lunged again for the slippery little sucker. Again he squished right between my fingertips. That last squeeze was perhaps too much love for the fish as he slowed his swimming and Desmond who was a few feet downstream from me caught the little bugger before he went further downstream. My fish was captured! Everybody in our party was able to catch a fish that day. Desmond then taught me how to gut and clean my sweet little morsel of food. Cleaning fish is pretty disgusting work but cooking them over a campfire was awesome. I stuffed my fish with some leftover breakfast sausages to infuse a smoky maple flavor. It was absolutely delectable.

Here are all the fish...

Here is Bret gutting his...

Here is the fish I cleaned...

We found out later that even if you have a fishing permit (which I don't) it is illegal to catch fish with your hands... and here I was thinking I was being all natural and stuff. Lesson leaned. But boy was it tasty!

Picture of my favorite meditation spot near the babbling brook...

We're so sad the summer is ending :'(


  1. I totally had a vision of you crouching by the stream all Gollum-like and taking a big bite out of the raw, still wriggling fish. I'm relieved to hear that you just squeezed the life out of it instead.

    That's too funny that fishing by hand is illegal. Who/what exactly is that law protecting? That's how we caught all our fish when Dad and us boys went backpacking so many years ago.

  2. Great spot to camp and fish. That looks like a fun trip. When we caught them bare handed many years ago (Bret was 12 and Neil was 14) we bought fishing licenses and tried to use bait and hooks, but the fish were not interested, so we took matters into our own hands...literally

  3. Neverland looks like a cool place. Oh red door... :)I remember that backpacking trip we did. That was fun times.

  4. Wow, I don't know how I missed this post before. That place is so pretty. I want to go there. And that is a very clean looking fish too. Good job!


