Monday, March 19, 2012

Bret's Camera

Here is a photo dump from Bret's Camera. He stopped by the other day to do his taxes and brought the fish he had caught that day. We grilled it up and served it with some lovely fettucini and roasted broccoli. It was super tasty! He had taken a picture of the fish and while we were downloading the picture onto my computer we found these other gems still on his memory card. 

I'm not sure what kind of plants these are but I'm sure Bret knows the scientific name for each of them.

Castleton Tower

Butters Cat after a bath

A day of climbing in Joe's with Sar-ha and I


I think I'm making farting sounds at Bret cause he was making them at me every time I "exerted" myself on this climb which made me laugh until I fell off.

Christian climbing Good Plantains while Bret belays him

Bret is having a lot of fun with this girl lately. 
I think she's the bees knees!

Post to follow containing pictures of our trip to Red Rocks where the above picture was taken...


  1. Great photos by Bret! It look like the rock climbing was a lot of fun.

  2. Those are some great pictures! I especially like the fart/climbing pictures. Good photo skills, Bret.

  3. I don't know how I missed this blog. These are fun pictures. I like the fish and the plants because that makes me think of Bret. The climbing pictures are great too--especially the fart noise picture. Plus, Summer is pretty cute.


