Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Half Marathon aka Is Mrawmin still alive?

Way back in January a bunch of us decided to run a half marathon. Originally Terri decided this would be a grand idea but she conveniently accidentally busted her whole entire knee and could no longer run. Seems suspicious to me but I do believe she's got the the doctor bills to prove it.

 Fast forward to this last weekend and those of us with two working knees got to run it! We all finished too! The running crew consisted of Mom, Bret, Summer, Christian, and Me. The course was gorgeous and weaved its way in and around Thanksgiving point gardens and golf course. We ran past tulips and waterfalls in the gardens and up and down the hills in the golf course. Everyone was feeling great and ready to run except for poor Mrawmin. She by far trained more than any of the rest of us for this race and yet the night before she suddenly came down with a nasty cold. She was coughing up a storm and her voice was practically non-existent. We tried to drug her up as best we could before the race but there is only so much you can do.

After the first four of us finished we waited patiently for Mom to cross the finish line too. I looked at the time because during her training runs Mom had been pretty consistent with her pace.

The time came and went.
We heard an ambulance siren and wondered.
We waited some more.
And just when I was starting to wonder which race committee tent to approach to ask if an adorable brownish blond lady had been carted off to the ER...
I saw this smile rounding the corner!

She made it!

Run Mom Run!!

Later she told us that at the aid stations everyone was so friendly and she'd try to say thank you but as soon as she opened her mouth she'd double over into a coughing fit. I am so proud of her for finishing 13.1 miles and even more impressed with her hard-core ability to do it while barely being able to breath through mucus filled lungs at 4500 feet elevation when she'd been training at sea level! Very impressive indeed!

After finishing she got a massage and still felt pretty broken. We tried to work out some of the soreness by eating at Texas Roadhouse but I think only sleep and resting will do the job.


  1. Thanksgiving Point is so pretty. I bet running through the gardens was fun. Yay mom for finishing!!!

  2. I'm so proud of mom for doing this. Way to go! What a fun running group and a beautiful place to run.

  3. Thanksgiving Point is the most beautiful course I have ever run a half marathon on--oh, wait--its the only course I've ever run a half marathon on. Being sick was definitely no fun, but it was tons of fun to have such a fun group to sign up with. And the advantage to coming in last is that you have lots of people cheering for you at the finish line! Yeah!! I wish I looked a little more energetic in my "running" pictures. Those feet don't look like they're getting very high off the ground... Next year, anyone?

  4. Congratulations on everyone doing well on the race. I am especially glad that Mom recovered from being broken.


