Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Holy Lemons Draddums!

As an encore to my Lemon blog post Draddums has flooded my counter with Lemons! I was literally dancing up and down when I saw how many there were. I cradled them all lovingly in my arms (including the ugly one) and dreamed up magical ways to crush and squeeze the life out of every one.
The ugly one.

Having had the royal wedding recent on my mind I immediately decided on crumpets with fresh warm lemon curd poured over top. It's so very English and so very delicious especially when served with flowering Chrysanthemum tea.

Lemon curd is at the top of my favorite things list at the moment. It freezes well which is nice considering I don't won't a single drop of precious California lemons to go to waste. Lemons have gotten a bit pricey here in Utah this past month due to some frost problems (or so my Macey's grocer tells me) so my excitement over lemons reached an ear shrieking exhuberance from which Christian's ears may never heal. Do not be overly concerned for his ear health, his painful grimace did not last for plying him with lemon curd did the trick.

Make these!


Lemon Curd-

Weather is warming up! Climbing and biking outside have begun! Prepare for the photo dump of outdoor adventures!


  1. Oh the lemons beautiful! I want to have a lemon tree some day.

  2. I want to have homemade lemon curd some day. I was going to insinuate you make some for me if I come visit with your mom next time, but the last time I did that (on your breakfast post) my comment somehow disappeared . . .

  3. Oh my goodness, there are so many lemons! I bet the ugly lemon was especially juicy.

  4. Don't worry. I will be waiting anxiously for the photo dump. That pile of lemons looks like it grew from when I saw you last. Are you sure they're not multiplying? I want to try some of your lemon curd.


