Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Favorite Things

Do you know what this is?

It's the thing I made to celebrate the arrival of my new toy!

I love it!

In case you couldn't tell, I made a pie. Dad sent some lemons that taste like limes but look like lemons and smell like limes. I'm still not quite sure what they are but needless to say they are delicious in pie form. Christian calls them Limons. We still can't decide if its more like a lemon or more like a lime. Our amount of caring is decreased by the amount of pie in our mouths.

Pie+Kindle=Happy Julie Dance


  1. The meringue looks so beautiful! A limon pie sounds delicious right now.

  2. Oh yummy! That pie is beautiful. I'm super jealous of your kindle too. They are so cool!

  3. I love lemon, limon pie! I've never used a kindle before. I'm curious about them though.

  4. The "limons" are supposed to be yellow limes. At least that is what I was told. Someone from work brought a bag in to share, so I grabbed some and added them to the other citrus fruits that were Utah bound. I hope they tasted good.

  5. I want to see the video of the happy Julie dance. The pie looks too beautiful to eat--although I'm glad you ate it anyway. And I'm super jealous of your kindle. Is it really wonderful? Cuz if it is I want Dad to buy me one for my birthday.


