Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Little Lucas plants Cilantro

While Becky was here and us girlies were immersed in giggly conversations, Lucas got a little bored. To entertain the young boy I had him help me plant my Cilantro seeds. He got a little over zealous in adding the seeds and I might have only one large single clump of cilantro on the edge of the basket, but it was all in good fun.

First we added the dirt.

This is the part where Lucas poured the entire contents of the seed envelope into a pile halfway into the basket and halfway onto the patio. Then we tried to poke down the seeds and redistribute the lost seeds best we could.

Here we are smoothing the soil and patting it down.

Final touch pouring the water.

The envelope says they should sprout in 8 days!


  1. I definitely need to plant me some cilantro. I'm sure Dallin could help me plant all the seeds in a clump too.

  2. His gardening skills definitely need some work. He loved it all the same, though.

  3. That looks like fun! I'm thinking I need to plant some basil and rosemary. I'm way behind on my gardening. I'll recruit Lucas when he moves out here.

  4. I am glad to see a new generation getting enthused about planting and growing things. You are going to soon need a much larger patio to have space for your "farm".

  5. Awww, shucks. That was cute. Lucas looks very serious about gardening.


