Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I spy with my little eye...

Something strange has been happening lately.
I keep seeing pictures and images of myself all over town.

It all began while flipping through a disgarded coupon magazine.

Then while flipping through this months Climbing magazine.

Then on this T-shirt.

Christian got tagged too!

And finally this car driving all around Salt Lake City.

Perhaps I'm going crazy.

heeheehee... Christian got sleepy while I staged this shot.


  1. This is awesome! You're so famous! :)

    I'm going to feel horrible if we threw away that coupon magazine without noticing you in it first.

  2. That is so cool! You look so awesome and hardcore.

  3. I think I have seen that coupon before and didn't realize that it was you. You really need to start smiling at the camera for those shots. :) You and Christian look awesome!

  4. That's very cool! Are you getting paid for this modeling gig? I feel the need to put up those posters in my cubical now and tell people that you're my sister.

  5. That is so cool that you are becoming so famous. You do look good. The shot of you climbing up the crack looks really impressive.

  6. Hee hee. Dad said crack. I was just gonna say that your butt looks fantastic! And I want one of those T-shirts so I can brag about my famous daughter.


