Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Meet Mr. Trout

This is a Cutthroat Trout. Bret spent the day up the canyon last week hunting him down. Bret is pretty skilled with a fishing rod and has recently expanded his fish catching repertoire to include fly fishing. He shared his bounty with me and we grilled Mr. Trout up good and served him alongside some creamy Parmesan Penne.


  1. Hmm, you probably should have included an after picture cause mr. trout doesn't look super appetizing in that picture. That's fun that Bret has gotten so good at fishing. Catch me one too!

  2. That is a good looking fish! I bet he tasted good too. I want to see Bret in action fly fishing!

  3. I can't decide who is cuter, Bret or Mr. Trout! I think Mr. Trout was very noble to sacrifice himself for the happiness of your belly. The creamy parmesan penne sounds pretty tasty too. Hooray for Bret--the mighty fisherman!


