Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Mrawmin photos

Sar-Ha and I took Mrawmin to the gym while she was visiting. We made her do an abdominal workout with us before throwing her into our hardcore yoga workout class. You may be thinking yoga is peaceful and relaxing, how fun. When Jim Knight is your Yogi instructor it is all those things with the added benefit of kicking your booty into ridiculously great shape. No saggy bottoms in this class. We had fun but I'm pretty sure we almost broke Mom.


  1. I love yoga, and I think I need Jim to kick my butt into shape, cause it's looking saggy with all this eating out we've been doing.

  2. You must have done a good job, because Mom looked pretty good when she got home. Thank you for sending her home.

  3. My stomach muscles hurt for a whole week after that ab workout. Jim is a great yoga instructor. I wish I could go to his class every week. But he ain't no pushover....he worked us hard.


